The Beadery® Updates
New Banner Kits Available
Our newly updated Beaded Banner catalog is now online.
Not only did we bring back some of our favorite vintage designs that haven’t been available as kits for years, but we also made some of our new online patterns into kits for the very firsts time. Each of these kits contain everything you need to make a Beaded Banner including high quality beads, thread, needle and hanging rod.
Take a look at our new catalogs on our Current Product Catalogs page or shop for banner kits online in our store.
Discounted shipping for the Holidays
Save on shipping for the next 2 weeks. Just order $100 or more worth of merchandise and use the coupon code below to get $11.95 off your shipping cost. If you are in the lower 48 states, that’s like getting free standard shipping! For everyone else, you get $11.95 off your shipping, but that’s pretty good too.
Thanksgiving Savings
Save 20% on all orders over $75 by entering the coupon code MAYFLOWER at the checkout. This coupon is valid all Thanksgiving weekend long (including Cyber Monday), so enjoy your turkey and football and then stock up on your favorite craft products.
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Beading!
Indian Corn Beaded Buddy
Make you very own Indian Corn Beaded Buddy with the November Beadery Select kit.
This kit includes all of the beads, cord and findings you need to make a decorative Indian corn buddy as well as fully illustrated easy to follow instructions. When you are done, just clip it on your backpack, hang it in your locker or trade it with your friends.
Click here to see this and all of our Beadery Select items available.
Go back into the vault…
We have gone back into The Beadery Vault and dusted off some of our Beaded Accent line of home decor projects. This time we have decided to make the Beaded Accent Coaster designs available again. Use these full color patterns and illustrated instructions with our mini pony beads to make your own coasters to decorate with and keep your table tops clean. We also include instructions to turn your coaster into a mini beaded banner or suncatcher.
We have the classic designs that were originally released as kits but haven’t been available for years as well as a whole series of designs that were never seen outside of our design department.
Here is a sample of the year-round designs that we are offering. Click here to see this and all of our Beaded Accent instructions available.
Midnight Flight Bead Box
Design you very own spooky jewelry with the October Midnight Flight Beadery Select Box.
This box includes bats, witches and star beads along with a custom midnight themed color mix of pony beads. You also get cord to make bracelets or necklaces to wear or trade it with your friends.
Click here to see this and all of our Beadery Select items available.